Friday, 1 April 2011

A day in a Swedish school, a day in a French School

A day at Grubbeskolan:

When we come to school, we put all our things in our locker and get our book. The first lesson of the day is reading, and after the lesson is over we have a short break of about 10 minutes and then we get our things and go to the next lesson. We have about 3 lessons in the morning before lunch, which we have sometimes between 10.30-12.00. After the lunch we have 2-4 lessons with short breaks between. We end the day at either 14.15 or 15.15. Then we get our jackets and books that we need to take home from our lockers and we go home.


Nat. Sci

A day at Joliot Curie High School:

First, to enter the school, students have to show their school identity book. The first lesson begins at 8.15, we have to stay in the class and we have to be concentrated. We have 2 lessons before having a break of about 15 minutes at 10.10. Then, we have 2-3 lessons before lunch which we have between 12.25-13.20 or between 13.25-14-20. After lunch, we have 2-4 lessons with a break of about 15 minutes at 15.20. We finish our school day at 17.30 or even sometimes at 18.30 if we aren’t very lucky. Then, we go home after a very tiring day.


Sport in France and Sweden

The most common sports in France are:
1. Football, 2. Tennis, 3. Skiing

The most common sports in Sweden are:
1. Football, 2. Gymnastics, 3. Golf.

Football is the national sport in both Sweden and France.

In Sweden, a bit more than 600,000 people practice football.
In Frace, a bit more than 1,850,000 people practice football.

France are rated 18th in the world on the FIFA ranking and Sweden are rated 30th.

The French national football team (starting 11)

The Swedish national team (whole squad)

Swedens most famous footballer is Zlatan Ibrahimovic who plays for AC Milan.
France has many famous footballers, some are: Franck Ribery (Bayern Münich), Karim Benzema (Real Madrid) and Florent Malouda (Chelsea FC)

Zlatan Ibrahimovic

Karim Benzema

France and Sweden has played each other 17 times through the years, France has won 8 times, Sweden has won 4 times, and 5 matches has ended with a draw result.

SWEDEN vs. FRANCE! (2 Swede’s against one Frenchman)

What do you usually do in your spare time?

Sweden: Hang out with friends.

France: Hang out with friends.

Youth in general- what is most common doing?

Sweden: Sports activities like football or floorball and such.

France: Sports activities like football and such.

Tell each other about your family? Where and how do you live? Do you have any siblings? Do you have an own room and how does it look?

Sweden: Dad, mum, little sister and a dog. Live in a row house. Beige walls, wooden floor, TV, bed and windows both on the walls and on the PC!   /   I have a mom and a dad and an older sister. I live in an apartment and have a common room with a crappy PC…

France: Big family with sisters and brothers and live in a big house.

What can you do in the area where you live?

Sweden: Have a tennis court and a football field nearby. For the younger kids there’s a playground.  /  In the area where I live there isn’t that much to do. You can run in a running track and you can play in a small park.

France: Go to the park, swim in the public swimming pool, play on the football field and go to the commercial center.

Can you stay out as long as you wish?

Sweden: No. On weekdays to around 21 - 21.30. On Fridays and Saturdays to around 23 – 23.30.  /  To 21 in the weekdays and 12 on the weekends (except on Sundays).

France: No.

Is it expensive to live where you live?

Sweden: No.

France: No, it depends.

A typical day when you are on holiday!

Sweden: Longer holidays I go to our summerhouse on an island with beach and stuff. Shorter ones I just hang out with friends.  /  On a small weekend I may stay home and be with friends and on the big holidays I’ll be with my family.

France: On the summer holiday I go to the sun. I swim in the beach I go out with my friends:

Describe a typical day at school

Sweden: Reading time at the beginning, lessons, lunch, lessons and finished around 15.10-15.15.

France: A typical day at school is to go into the school and to have lessons.
How big is your school?

Sweden: 450 pupils, so around average.

France: Big school, around 1200 pupils.

Where do you usually have lunch? Do you have to pay for school lunch?

Sweden: At the canteen. NO!

France: Eat at home and if you eat at school you have to pay.

What is your favorite subject at school? Why?

Sweden: PE (I like physical contact…) and English (like the language).  /  Handicraft (I like to work with my hands and wood…) and PE (I like to move it, move it!)

France : My favorite subjects are maths,chemestery and physics.

Are your school materials free or do you have to buy books?

Sweden: Free unless your loose one of them. Then it will cost you around 10 euros to get a new one.

France: The books are lent by school though you have to pay for your pencils; your copybooks,etc …

At what age do you start going to school?

Sweden: At the age 6 you have to go in a pre-school-thingy and when your 7 you’ll begin’ the first class.

France: The same as above.

Do you have a lot of homework?


France: It depends of the teacher.

Difference between Sweden and France

                                      Difference between Sweden and France

Family: In France a breakfast is at 7:00 clock, we eat bread and butter and jam. In the weekends we eat croissant and pain au chocolate and we drink juice, coffee, tea or hot chocolate. We take a lunch at 12:00 usually we eat an entrance, a main course, a cheese and a desert. And we take a dinner at 7:00 or 7:30 the dinner resemble the lunch but it is more light.
Family: In Sweden a breakfast is around 7:15, we eat yoghurt or sour cream with cereals. Or sandwich with milk or juice. In the weekends we often eat eggs, grapes, hot chocolate. We eat lunch around 11:00-12:00 in school and on the weekends we usually eat around 1:00 PM. We eat diner around 5 or 6 PM.
School in France: The school starts at 8:00 clock and finish at 5:30 PM and sometimes 6:30. We have a lesson all days of weeks and sometimes Saturday morning. We have a late note and a ringing. In a classroom we have the shoes and it is forbidden listen music. We have the autumn holidays, Christmas holidays, winter holidays, spring holidays and summer holidays, We finish school at end June at the begin July and we start new year at  beginning September.
School in Sweden: The school starts 8:10 sometimes later. We finish school around 3:00 PM sometimes earlier. We are free Saturday and Sunday. We have autumn holidays, Christmas holidays, Sport holidays, Easter holidays and summer holidays. We are allowed to listen to music and you can eat candy sometimes at the lessons, it depends on teacher and the lesson. The school ends in June and starts again in the end of August.

Society in France: We are major at 18 and we can vote, drive. Our political system is composed a president elected to a French people, then he choose a Prime minister who choose his minister, The president is elected for 5 years. He is allowed to do2 mandates.
Society in Sweden: When you are 18 years old you can drive and vote (and you have to be a Swedish citizen). We vote for a party. The leader of the party with most votes becomes the prime minister.

Comparison of Christmas in France and Sweden

Typical Christmas in France
The whole family and relatives gather at someone’s house then they eat and talk for a long while, maybe between 12:00 and 15:00. After that the adults continue talking and the children play with each other. After a while (maybe at 20:00) they eat again and talk more and more. Typical food is: Foie Gras (liver from goose), Turkey and Swiss Rolls for dessert.
Gifts are put under the tree during the evening and opened next morning on the 25th, the children typically don’t see Santa.

Foie Gras
Swiss Roll

Typical Christmas in Sweden
The Christmas Eve mornings are different from family to family; but one thing that’s common is that you eat something called “dopp i grytan” to lunch.
Dopp i grytan is thin hard bread which you put into pork bouillon for a half a minute, then you put butter on it and a thin piece of pork.
Then at 3 o clock most families watch The Donald Duck show on TV, it contains Disney and most of them are only shown in Sweden at this time.
After that most families prepare the “Christmas table” which is our Christmas dinner, it’s “all-you-can-eat” style and contains for example: pork, meatballs, potatoes, smoked salmon, short sausages called Prince Sausages and peas.
After the dinner Santa comes with gifts and after that you open them. Usually it’s the dad or grandfather in the family who dresses up like Santa, a common excuse for the disappearance is that he needs to buy the newspaper or milk. Later on you often eat rice pudding.  

Christmas Table

The differences between France and Sweden

School – In Sweden school is free, but in France, the school is free too but the material and food cost money. The schools are also, in general, much bigger than in Sweden. The average school in France takes about 1000 students, and about 140 teachers. In Sweden the schools usually take about 500-600 students and the schools employ far less teachers.
In France you can also have school in Saturday, and that day is usually about an hour. Their usual school-days are between eight o’clock and five-six o’clock.

Society in general – France has a president and Sweden has a prime-minister as well as a king and queen.

House prices: The prices for properties are far higher in France, mainly due to France being a much bigger country.

The weather: In France the weather is much warmer than in Sweden, usually 30-35 degrees in the summer, and around zero in the winter. In the Swedish summers the temperature is about 20-25 degrees, and in our winters the temperature can drop to as far as -35 degrees.

Sport-Football and Rugby are
may be the sport the most important in France whereas in Sweden,it´s floor ball and hockey

Holidays: Easter is different, in France the Easter isn’t a very big occasion, and it’s mainly a commercial event. In Sweden we get “eggs” of candy from our parents, and the little children dress up and knock on doors, begging for candy. We also hang up feathers and “Easter-rice”.  
We are a group of french ,and swedish students from  Joliot Curie High School located in Nanterre, France and from grubbeskolan located in Umeå,Sweden .